So, I'm just going to focus on the good things happening right this moment as we begin the new year. I'd previously announced that I won the IFDA New England 2012 Designer Showcase for best Living Space (yay me!) and am excited that media sponsor Design New England magazine has included a lovely spread about the awards in their current issue!
It's a great issue, which you can read here.
I also wanted to share that I was asked to contribute one of my New Year's Resolutions on the Williams-Sonoma Designer Marketplace blog. Thanks to Robin Callan for including me in such as esteemed group of professionals and for making me make my plans public - makes it harder to backslide. Read more here.
I'm also focusing on two great projects I'm currently working on - an addition to an antique New Hampshire farmhouse and a fabulous modern oceanfront home on the outer Cape [Cod]. I've been covering a lot of miles - but the two projects have both really stretched my style - which I love. More to come soon on those!
How are you feeling about 2013??
If you would like my help on your design project, I would love to chat with you! Please email me. Thanks!